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The Heart of Champions

To See with One’s Heart

October 6, 2012

The Heart is the most influential organ in the body. On a physical level, the Heart is responsible for dominating Blood and the health of the blood vessels. It circulates the Blood throughout the body to ensure proper nutrition for every tissue. It is the strongest muscle in the body and is in constant flux. According to Chinese medicine, the Heart houses the “Shen”(the mind). The Shen is responsible for mental health & activity, and even consciousness. It is responsible for the emotion of Joy in one’s life and governs our ability to sleep soundly, think clearly, and have a good memory. A healthy Heart plays a significant role in our emotional health and our ability to have meaningful relationships. When the Heart’s energy is weak and Blood is deficient, we may suffer from anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, and in extreme cases, manic behavior or coma. Without the Heart, life could not exist.

During my life, my heart has always played a crucial role in every situation. It is the force that drives my every thought and action. My heart gives me the strength to endure tough times, care for those in need, love others, and push forward in all my successes. It has brought me great joy in my life as well it has also brought me great sorrow and depression. We take our hearts and all the emotional trauma that they endure for granted. Through the many ups and downs during a lifetime, the heart shapes our existence with its powerful force. It seems to me that the only time many of us recognize this extraordinary champion is when we are in depression, sorrow, or bad health.

Love is the most significant and most potent force in the universe. No other emotion can match or compare to love. We live for love, search for love, better ourselves for love, and some even kill for love. Yet, no matter the situation in life, you can bet that the heart and love are behind it. Great things in the world have been done with the power of the heart. If you think about all your experiences in life, the heart is the driving force behind every decision you have made.

The Eastern Side of Things

Throughout my experiences, every emotion revolves around the heart. Suppose you happen to study oriental medicine as I do. In that case, you know that the Chinese people associate an emotion with almost every organ (I.E., heart/joy, liver/anger, spleen/worry, kidneys/fear, Lung/sadness, etc). I cannot deny that when an organ has an issue, the pertaining emotion does arise in the human body. For example, when I had anger issues while dealing with the struggles of life, my liver, heart, eyes, sleep, moods, and memory were all compromised during this time. My health deteriorated, and my emotions became unbalanced. I do accept the notion of Oriental medicine as pertaining to organs and emotions, but I always put in question the role of the heart. If you really think about it, whether you are experiencing fear, anger, joy, sadness, or worry, where do you feel it? You feel most emotion within the center of the chest. AND where is the Heart of Champion located? That’s right, in the center of the chest! Excitement, happiness, depression, fear, and many other emotions are all felt in the chest. That’s why, in my opinion, the “Heart” is the center of the universe and the true command center of human existence!

As I’ve stated before, I am of the Simian lineage. My emotions and mind are tied together like a tightly bonded cord. The distinction between thought and emotion is not a luxury I have. Since many scientists believe that the brain is the command center of the body, to which I’m afraid I have to disagree, little credit is given to this little champion, the heart. So what did or does this mean for me? Does this mean that the distinction between thought and feeling complicates my struggles?

I believe that to answer any question about yourself truthfully, you must go deep within. To society or Western medical world standards, I’m a genetic defect and am not placed to fit into society. This is why I don’t pay much attention to the views of society or certain medical professions. I was told once that “the size of their heart measures a person.” If true, why are so many of us blinded by what lies deep within a person? I was taught by many of my spirit guides that the eyes are the pathway to a person’s heart. In other words, no matter what a person chooses to show you by action, they show you what they are really made of through their eyes. What’s truly sad is that most people don’t even recognize this within themselves. They do not understand their heart’s inner power and drift through life without feeling self-love or worth. This is where Simian and I can thrive or destroy ourselves!

It Started So Young

Anyone who truly knows me knows how much I love to help people. One of the first experiences I can remember using my heart was when I was five. My father took me to the local train station to pick up my aunt. This homeless guy was standing inside the station holding a few newspapers and looking for money. I remember watching him walk around the station as if lost and confused. Many people stared at him with disgust and judgment. I, however, found myself being intrigued by this man. He was dirty and unshaven, his clothes ripped, and he had an odor you could smell across the station, but I couldn’t stop looking at him. As he was walking around the train station, he dropped his newspapers on the floor. He bent down to pick them up, and I realized no one would help him.

People walked by him and watched as he struggled to pick up his papers. The feeling that came over me was disgust and sadness, so I walked right over to him and helped him pick up his newspapers. The smile on this guy’s face was from ear to ear, and he seemed so appreciative of someone helping him. As I picked up the last of the papers, the man touched my shoulder and said,” Thank you, young lady! You should run for president! Only someone that nice should be president!” I smiled back at him and walked back to my dad. I felt so good inside! I felt like I just received the most fantastic Yule present a girl could want! Even at a young age, I realized that the act of helping others was something that would be a part of my life forever.

It Goes with Me Everywhere

I have carried on with my life in the servitude of helping others. With my spirit guides, my parents, and my heart as my lead, I encountered many people who needed guidance, a caring heart, a pick me up, or even someone to laugh with. I didn’t realize it then, but I was good at it. I always knew what to say to people and how to help them. As a child, I never wondered why helping people awaken was so easy for me or why someone like myself, with little or no life experience, knew what to say or do. All I knew is that it was me, it fit me like a hand and glove. It was easy for me to befriend the sick, the troubled, the socially inadequate, and the friendless people. I was there if you needed a friend, advice, or a shoulder to cry on.

Grade, high, college, and beyond had been no different. I have been fortunate enough to help people during their dark moments, from suicide stages to the need to hurt others, to abusive homes, and so on. I want to think that in each of these people whose lives I encountered, I had a small but very influential part in changing their lives for the better! Mostly, I believe that they’ve made more of an impact on my life than I do on them, but there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of the many people I’ve been blessed to help. The funny thing is that I remember all of them!

One of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me was during one of my high school years. I befriended this girl who didn’t have many friends in my sophomore year. I could feel that she was lonely, depressed, and sad. She was a bit overweight, and it saddened me that many of the students teased her. We had a class together, so I saw this as an opportunity to weasel my way in. Since we only had one class together, I couldn’t see her much other than the hour we had during that class. So, I started by talking to her and writing notes throughout each school day. We’d pass messages back and forth to each other in between classes and became school pen pals. Anyone who’s ever written a note in school knows they can be highly private and personal. And because of that, I got her to open up to me. As the days passed, I realized how depressed this girl was. She had thoughts of suicide, and I learned how much she hated who she was. She had a great personality, and it was unfortunate how people judged her based on her looks. The pen-pal friendship went on for almost the entire sophomore year. I always wished I had more time for her during that year, but I was busy with swimming and softball most of the time. Towards the end of the year, one of my teachers called me into her classroom while I was walking down the hall. I thought, “Oh boy, what did I do now? I know I’ve been behaving lately!” When I entered the classroom, she and two other teachers sat in their seats; I felt uneasy. When I sat down, she pulled out several papers and asked if I knew what they were. I replied, “No.” She then proceeded to read from this stack of papers. It turned out that it was a term paper written about me by my pen pal friend. My friend wrote an essay about me and how I helped her believe in life, herself, and how she no longer wanted to commit suicide. This essay had me in tears! I could not believe our little note sessions every day meant so much! The three teachers had this inspired look of approval and thanked me for what I did. Many teachers approached me and told me how much they enjoyed reading her essay. It made me proud, but to me, all I did was talk to someone who I enjoyed their company, I guess to my friend it was the world to her.

I Help People

During my travels, I went out to a local bar one night. A man approached to hit on me. We started the normal introduction chat as all typical conversations began. He asked what I did for a living. I didn’t want to tell him I traveled around the country and taught consciousness and healed people, so I told him, “I help people.” To me, it was easier to keep it short than to try to explain what I do. With a confused look, he replied, “Uhh, like what? A nurse?” I kindly explained to him that my path crosses those who need help, guidance, trauma, etc. Past my better judgment, I went into some depth with the conversation and noticed that he had this puzzled yet intrigued look. When I was done talking, he leaned over and quietly asked me, “Are you an angel?” I laughed and thought he was joking, but he was dead serious! He repeated the question, and I responded, still with a little smile, “No, I’m just a person who’s lucky enough to share intimate moments in other people’s lives.” I held on from telling him the truth because I understood how most people had reacted when I told them I was a Soul Sage and Spirit Guide in the past.

Nothing much was said after that. I figured that I freaked him out or sounded like a weirdo. However, I kept laughing and shaking my head at the thought of what he asked me for the rest of the night. Up until this point, I have never heard that from anyone before. It wasn’t until a few years later that the type of work I did, teaching consciousness to people, and what Loyrie, my primary guide, had told me when I was little,  realized that I genuinely was a Soul Sage and Spirit Guide. Everything that I was taught to me from an early age started to become so clear that it was as if a light bulb went off in my head!

Use the Gifts Wisely

One of the gifts I share with others is to spread love and share the power of my heart! The Heart portal allows us to access other dimensional vibrations but our own universe within. It’s nice to be intuitive, have the ability to see the truth, teach others to heal, and the have ability to read people, but no matter what tools I use, the mail focus always remains to help raise consciousness to this planet through love.

Having gifts can be rewarding, but we must remember that it is often a thankless job. You may, every now and then, get a pat on the back, but let’s keep in mind we aren’t doing this for our own personal gratification. Still, to this day, I have never given myself any recognition for anything I’ve ever done. And why should I, it what I do! Don’t get me wrong, I am well aware of what I do for others, but I am here for the service of Humanity, not to relish in it.

I have never been into the whole rewards system. I want to help people understand their power and strength. Watching people blossom into more conscious, happier,  and finally living their lives is success enough for me. My mission and purpose is to help those find their mission and purpose. Sharing the love through the power of the heart portal is definitely my fix! I will say that I do consider myself special! Special in that I get to share the most intimate moments in many people’s lives.

Charities For the Heart

I have volunteered for many charities and cancer organizations. Hospice was the most incredible organization for which I volunteered. Based on my experiences, Hospice is one of a few organizations that care about their patients. The staff always goes out of their way for those in their care. As a volunteer, I went to the patients’ homes and spent time with them, did massages, and ran errands for them.  Often when I mentioned to people that I volunteered for Hospice, they’d often say, “How do you do that? It’s so depressing!” Unfortuntely, most people have this view on those that are sick. However, my response is always the same, “For me, it is an honor to be a part of these people’s lives in the most intimate part of their life, their return home!” I don’t think you’d would be surprised by the benefits for the Hospice patients when you visit and spend a little time with them! It is healing for everyone involved, including myself! I often think back to my time with hospice, how it taught me so much, and the fond memories of many great people.

To Put a Heart On It

As I’ve said before, the heart is the most influential organ in the body. No other organ endures such as that of the heart. The power of the heart ranges from physical, mental, emotional, and Conscious. My heart, as I’m sure as with you, has taken me through great highs and to great lows. But we must remember that like our actual heart beats in rythmns, we must ride our hearts with each rythmn. We just accept and love our lows as much as we love our highs. The Heart can be used with love or it can be used for destruction. Every day it’s up to you; to do with it what you choose. Don’t underestimate the power you have with your heart, especially once you unlock the Heart Portal. Remember that no matter what is going on in your life, YOU, have the power to change, shape, and mold your life any way you want. You don’t need an outside source to give you that power. You were made with a Heart of a Champion! Share your love and consciousness with the world to make it a place that thrives. My heart is a Heart of a Champion because of what I choose to do with it. It’s not how much money you have, what your status in society is or how talented you are something, it’s what love you choose to share. Every action, no matter how little it seems, the power of the heart has a ripple effect in this universe. So share your love and show that you have a Heart of Champions!

To Mission and Purpose,

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Raina has helped thousands of individuals from all over the world find their purpose and mission. Having several degrees in Oriental & Alternative medicine, as well as her ever-evolving purpose to gain higher consciousness, Raina has created many outlets to share the wisdom and truths of the universe. Her radio show, IAMevolution Podcast, and the IAMevolution program are ready for those who truly want to seek wisdom and truth and help transform their vibration of our third-dimensional world.